Demileigh Collier Success Story

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I've been through quite a lot in my life, however, I have overcome these problems and stayed strong and stuck in with everything I have wanted to do and achieve. I lived in Spennymoor all my life, then I moved to South Shields in 2012 and went to a school in Jarrow. I lived there for two year, but a lot happened in that space of time with my mam and dad, the domestic violence and drug problems had carried on from living in Spennymoor. I went through some hard times and in the end, I had to explain to the school what was going on, what was wrong with me and why I could not concentrate on my work for. Social services then got involved because of what I had told the school and teacher I had spoken to. People also came out to try and help my mam overcome these problems what had been going on between me, her and my dad and what was ongoing at that time. Shortly after my mam and dad decided to separate and my dad got an apartment in South Shields whilst me and my mam got put in a flat in Hebburn not far from Jarrow which was classed as a safe house. We had security locks and doors what you couldn’t open if you didn’t have they key etc. I stopped going to school because I didn’t want to leave my mam on her own, the reason for this was incase my dad came and hurt her whilst I wasn’t there to try and help my mam and step in front. We did have some good times together as well it wasn't all bad, but we couldn't live the way we were any longer, it wasn't fair. Me and my mam then decided we wanted to move back to Spennymoor where our family was and we did. Yes, it was hard I had made a lot of new friends and had been friends with them for at least 2 years. However, we needed our family around us, so I had to say my goodbyes. I still keep in contact with my friends now but I don't see them as much as I did.

Moving back

Moving back meant me having to start back at my old school Whitworth Park in Spennymoor. Unfortunately, I didn't go back to school for a few months so I had missed out on a lot I needed to learn and do. When I finally went back I had missed out on picking my options so just got shoved in anything they could fit me in. However, I managed to get through the two years of school I had left and passed some of my GCSE'S but not all of them. I went onto to do level 1 Childcare at Bishop Auckland College, I was going to do hairdressing but I had already done hair& beauty there every Tuesday throughout my time in year ten and eleven and it wasn’t for me. I stuck at childcare and passed but unfortunately because I didn’t pass my Math's and English exams I couldn’t proceed any further which meant I wasn't allowed to go onto level 2 so I decided to leave. I had given in and didn't see the point any more so I stopped going to college and took myself out of education for a little while. I had problems going on at home with my mam and myself, we weren't getting along as good as we used to or should have been. I just wasn't myself and didn’t want to do anything. But one day I got a phone call and that phone call changed everything for me, I couldn't be more grateful and thankful.

The Phone Call

A man called Martin Kidd from Durham Works rang me and asked about me being in education and knew that I wasn’t and wanted to help me. He then came out to meet me at my grandmother's house and give me some ideas on what I could do. In the end we had found out that there was a course called SportWorks. This was where you did Math, English and sports for two days and then you do 3 days' work placement of your choice. Me and Martin gave them a call together and decided to meet up with two ladies named Sarra and Rachael to discuss this course and to see if it was for me or not. The meeting was a success thankfully. So, I went and started the week after on the Monday, late November time last year. I am still with these guys now and wouldn't move to any other course. I couldn’t thank them enough, they have helped me a lot and without these guys I don’t know where I'd be now. I wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I have so far and become the person I am today if it wasn't for the people who deliver this course with their amazing support. I am a lot more confident now and my social skills are 100% better than what they were when I started this course. I have gained a lot of new skills from this course and would recommend it to anybody in need of something like this. If your wanting to do something and get a career these are the guys to come too, because they are great. All the staff are very kind and friendly and make you feel welcome, they offer you 100% help and support and will give you all the time they can.

My achievements so far

So far from starting this course in November, I have passed my level 1 Math and am working towards doing my level 2 Math. I have also passed my English reading exam and have just sat my English writing exam and have my English-speaking and listening exam coming up which I am on preparing for. I also do sports leadership and am on doing it now and will receive a certificate for this as well the others things I have achieved at the end of the course. I am currently doing work placement with the delivery team to get experience as been a mentor on this course. this is my goal in life to become a mentor to young children or even adults I need of help and someone to talk to about struggles they have and are having. I am really enjoying it and they couldn’t offer me anymore support and guidance as what they all are now.

My role

My role is to act as a mentor and classroom support to all study programme learners and new ESF learners and to support the delivery team to complete administration duties such as preparing for the day's activities. I also have to act as a British Values and Equality and Diversity champion. it is also important that I am identified as a member of the support team and as a mentor to all current and new learners, so I have to make sure I dress in a professional dress code when attending all sessions. I am really enjoying doing this and hope to get as much experience as I possibly can so i can achieve more and achieve what I want to do.

What I would like the outcome to be?

I would like to finish this course and either go onto college and do a course which can give me more experience on being a mentor or go onto doing an apprentice as a learner mentor. I know with this delivery team I will reach at least one of these goals, because they give me all the help I need an offer me all the support they can. If you are not in education or are struggling learning I would highly recommend this course for you. I would defiantly give it a 10/10 on everything it’s a great course and full of great happy cheerful people who make you feel welcome into a friendly environment.

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