The story so far
Since 2018, the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme has provided support to children in receipt of free school meals through holiday periods. Following successful pilots between 2018 and 2020, the programme was rolled out to all upper tier local authorities. This enabled SportWorks to get involved and continue our amazing work within our local communities. We are proud to be able to deliver the HAF programme since 2021 and are currently commissioned by over 30+ Local Authorities across the country, working with thousands of children and their families.
Aims of the programme:
- eat healthily over the school holidays
- be active during the school holidays
- take part in engaging and enriching activities which supports the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment
- have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition
The families who participate in this programme will:
- develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting
- are signposted towards other information and support, for example, health, employment, and education

Easter and Summer 2022
Easter 2022
During the 2022 Easter Holidays, SportWorks were commissioned by 10 Local Authorities to deliver multi-sport HAF programmes throughout the country. Activities ranged from sports to getting outdoors and engaging with local community litter picks.
During this period, SportWorks demonstrated the following impact:
• 334 individual children supported
• 65 sessions
• 939 healthy meals provided
• 296 delivery hours
• 96 SEND children supported
Summer 2022
Summer 2022 was SportWorks’ busiest every period. Whilst challenging on a logistic front, the SportWorks team engaged with 17 Local Authorities, with delivery stretching from Carlisle to Surrey, and almost every town and city in between!
The SportWorks HAF delivery model is based on getting children active through sports and play, delivering fun and informal nutritional workshops to children and parents, and providing the child with a nutritious hot meal throughout the day.
Summer 2022 proved to be a huge success with SportWorks engaging with record number of participants and children on FSM. SportWorks are proud to have produced the following Summer 2022 impact data:
• 1084 individual children supported
• 480 sessions
• 7604 healthy meals provided
• 2216 delivery hours
• 565 SEND children supported
- "The sports camp has been amazing for child she has really enjoyed it, it has brought her confidence on loads. All the staff has been very helpful and nice on both drop of and collection. My child said her best things about sports camp was making friend and playing sports. Just today she said she misses sports camp." North West Parent
- “Thank you so much for giving single parent family's opportunities like this to have a few hours break. With a child with additional needs, it’s hard to trust people with my child. Lewis, Craig and the other people were fantastic with my son. From care to keeping my boy active they were fantastic! So, thank you." Yorkshire Parent

“We absolutely loved having SportWorks be a part of the HAF delivery in Wirral! As each project comes along, we are evolving to help engage and attract more young people in the local area; our numbers were brilliant across Summer, and we have SportWorks to partially thank for that!
Across our 12-day camp it was great to see the development and growth of all our children as they grew in confidence and resilience throughout each day, learning new skills and making fantastic memories along the way.”
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